/type (ProfileType) 0 û Full Access Profile, 1 û Cert Enroll/Bootstrap profile
/name (ProfileName) %ServiceName% - Specify the profile name which is running the custom action (CertEnrollProfileName or FullAccessProfileName). Must exactly match the name specified in [Main]
/dir (Config_Path) %ServiceDir% - directory where to find the configuration file
/f (Config_FileName) configuration filename
/a (Action) 0 û Check for certificate only. DoesnÆt do any other processing, but determines whether a certificate is present or not. Based on the type of profile (Full Access or Cert Enrollment) it then either exits or stays connected. See functional flow chart for appropriate behavior.
1 û Proceed through custom action normally. Follows normal flow according to the configuration file. Any other value defaults to 1.
Remember if only one profile is configured, it should be set as (/type 0) Full Access profile and CertEnrollProfileName value in the configuration file must be empty or not present.